Food Processor Tutorials

Check out our tutorials to help you get familiar with Food Processor.

Getting Started with Food Processor

If you’re new to the program, start with these tutorials that go over the basics of the program.

Creating and Modifying a Client Profile

This tutorial covers the basics of creating a Person profile in Food Processor.


Creating a User-Defined Nutrient

This tutorial shows you how to create a new nutrient.


How to Create a New Ingredient

This tutorial shows how to add an ingredient that is not already in the database.


Creating a Recipe

Learn how to create a Recipe and cover a few of the Recipe Analysis reports available.


Preferences and Settings

This tutorial goes over the more popular and useful preferences available in Food Processor.


Nutrients and Ingredients in Food Processor

If you’re working with nutrients and ingredients, these tutorials cover tasks like adding measurements, checking nutritional data, customizing nutrient lists, updating standards, and managing costs.

Adding a Household Measure to an Ingredient

This tutorial shows you how to add a user-friendly measurement for your Ingredients.


Using the Check Data Feature

This tutorial walks you through the steps for using the Check Data feature in the software.


Using Nutrients to View Effectively

This tutorial will show you how to add, modify and save nutrient lists.


Calculate Nutrients Feature

Learn how to convert previous nutrient standards and units of measure to the most current ones.


Adding Costs to Ingredients

This tutorial shows you how to add costs to your ingredients and how to calculate the total and per-serving costs of the recipe.


Exporting Your Data

This tutorial will show you how to export one report, copy/paste a report, or export many reports at once.


Recipes in Food Processor

If you’re working on recipes, these tutorials cover how to fill in missing nutrient data and choose the correct yield options for raw or cooked ingredients.

Find and Populate Missing Nutrient Data

This tutorial will show you how to check for missing nutrient data using the Spreadsheet report, what to look for, and how to fix any issues.


Yield Options in the Database: Cooked vs Raw

This tutorial shows you how you can select appropriate forms of your ingredients considering the preparation and cooking processes.


Reports, Searching Tips, Auditing,  Documentation and Workflow Tools

If you’re looking to refine your skills, these tutorials cover advanced features like ingredient/recipe searches, nutrient analysis reports, audit tracking, document management and

Nutrition Analysis Reports

This tutorial provides an overview of reports to analyze your clients’ dietary intakes, recipes and ingredients.


Using Advanced Search

You can use the Advanced Search to find Ingredients inside of Recipes and the Search results will display those Recipes only.


Using F5 Nutrient Search

This tutorial will demonstrate how to perform a F5 Nutrient Search for ingredients that meet the nutrient content parameters you set.


Using the Audit Trail Feature

This tutorial covers the Audit Trail Feature, including how to record and report changes made to Ingredients, Recipes, Persons, and Menu Plans.


Attaching Files to Records

This tutorial demonstrates how to attach documents to ingredients, recipes, persons, and menu plans in Food Processor.


Menu Plan Module

If you’re utilizing the Menu Plan Module, these tutorials cover creating new plans, building cycle menus, using the Food Pick List, and generating detailed weekly and calendar reports.

Creating Menu Plans and Cycle Menus

This tutorial covers the basics of creating menus in the Menu Plan Module.


Menu Plan Part 1: Creating a New Menu Plan

This tutorial will walk you through the basic steps for creating a new Menu Plan.


Menu Plan Part 2: The Food Pick List

This tutorial discusses how to use the Menu Plan Food Pick List.


Menu Plan Part 3: Cycle Menus

This tutorial will walk you through creating Cycles Menus from your existing daily menus.


Menu Plan 4: Useful Reports Overview

This tutorial provides an overview of the popular and useful reports for the Menu Plan.


Menu Plan Part 5: Weekly and Calendar Cycle Menus

This tutorial covers how to view and customize a Weekly and Calendar report.



FoodProdigy is the online companion to the Food Processor. FoodProdigy allows you to document your daily dietary intakes and activities and securely share that information with your dietitian.

How to Use the FoodProdigy Program

This tutorial will cover how to create a personal Profile, enter Dietary Intakes, and track Activities.


FoodProdigy Client Registration

This tutorial will walk you through the process of registering to use FoodProdigy and account setup.